Here are several of David’s scientific publications and research topics.You will find many of his papers available by clicking on the article. If there are any that are not available, or you would like a reprint, please send us an e-mail. If you would like to see David’s current CV please click here.
A. Posner, et al (2013) The Hohmann–Parker effect measured by the Mars Science Laboratory on the transfer from Earth to Mars: Consequences and opportunities.
Planetary and Space Science 89 (2013) 127–139.
F.W. Taylor and D.H. Grinspoon. (2009). Climate Evolution of Venus.
J. Geophys. Res. 114.
D. H. Grinspoon and M.A. Bullock. (2007). Astrobiology and Venus Exploration, in Exploring Venus as a Terrestrial Planet, Larry W. Esposito, Ellen R. Stofan, Thomas E. Cravens, Editors. Amer Geophysical Union . June 30, 2007Chapman, C.R., B.A. Cohen and D.H. Grinspoon. (2007).
What are the real contraints on the existence and magnitude of the late heavy bombardment?
Spencer, J. and Grinspoon, D., (2007) Inside Enceladus.
Nature 445:376-377.
Lewis, J.S. and D.H. Grinspoon. (1990).
Vertical distribution of water in the atmosphere of Venus: A simple thermochemical explanation. Science, 249, 1273-1275. 3-D Monte Carlo modelling of the surface evolution of Venus
Grinspoon, D.H. and C. Sagan (1988).
The effect of asteroid and comet impacts on the early terrestrial environment.
Abstract for invited talk at the twenty-seventh COSPAR meeting.
Grinspoon, D.H. (1987) Was Venus wet? Deuterium reconsidered. Science, 238, 1702-1704.